Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success — The POWER of LANGUAGE (day one)

http://zti.me/hs3 Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success — The POWER of LANGUAGE (day one) – Read the entire post! http://zti.me/hs3      http://youtu.be/hnpPyuUoIw4

Learn more about Alecia Stringer on her blog, http://2asuccessdreamblog.com

It was 2006 when I first decided…

…that I am going to be rich.

And each week, ferociously gathered together a group of new eyeballs, on the top floor of a Mexican restaurant called Gallos…

…and persuade strangers to decide to join a $1,000 vitamin deal.


I remember doing several hundred meetings, and each week, we’d have about 20% of the room join our deal… Our team grew from two…

…to four – and it was grueling.

Then, late one night, I was hanging out with my buddy Tom, who lived in a refrigerator in the back of a store.  (They hollowed it out, like a cave).

Tom introduced me to a concept – a mysterious secret – that I’m going to share with you now…

…and I never had a meeting after that day, where I didn’t sponsor at least 80% of the room.

Would you like to know what I learned?

It’s the same secret, that enabled me to mysteriously out produce around 10,000 other affiliates – ALL of whom had a bigger list than I did – when I was living out of the back side of a Green, 1996 dodge caravan when I decided to get into affiliate marketing in August of 2009…

…it’s the same secret, that created a single video with no email follow up, that converted at over 21% when we launched Empower Network.

THIS SECRET can help you release your inner badass…

Read more here…

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