What do you see as a TREND in business?

trend in business

http://2asuccessdreamblog.com We talked about what do you see as a brand. Different ways to find trend in business on the internet and how to use them in our business.

Alecia Stringer Crowd on Ustream





Last week I watched Mari Smith and she gave her views on different ideas on trends and how people find them today.

Trend in Business with Causes

Many people have their own causes that they support.  Do people purchase stuff because they support a certain cause?  Some may lean more toward one or another, but they didn’t find that this was one of the importance that people should purchase a product.  The product still has to hold value.

Trend in Business with Social Status

What is your Klout score?  Do you see you getting a better seat in a restaurant if you have a better Klout score?

This is simply learning what your center of influence is. Click Here to see my Klout score.

Mari was explaining how Guy Kawaski had a Klout score of over 80.  Another way to see your top influencers is to check on google+.  That is where you can see how you can get ripples from your posts and see the circle of big influences and where the big ripples began.  It’s a fun competitive reaction to what you share.  Here is a small list of a few more sites to look deeper into your status:




Wibiya – Popup bar that helps make your website or bloga  moble friendly site.

Other ways to share your trend is through sms text marketing, QR codes, and tons of apps on moble devises are a real hot trend to move your business in front of people.  They discussed how powerful an app is to scan bar codes while you are out shopping to compare the best prices.

Are they making ways to get businesses out of business?

Pictures is a main way to get your trend in business out on the internet for your business, and sharing them in more ways.

There are still several people that have privacy paranoia and need to be aware of how people can misuse your information.  Are companies hiring asking you for your personal password to your Facebook account?

If you are sharing simple information like that, it’s a clue that they should not be hired.  Take common sense on sharing simple things like that.

Here are a few sites that can help you be more efficient in getting your trend and brand scheduled out on the internet:



Knowing your trend in business can give you a bigger awareness in what you want to create for your brand.  A great way to really look at your business from the outside and finding new ways to tweak to how you want your business and brand presented.  Be sure to subscribe to this blog, A Success Dream of Alecia Stringer and get the step by step process of how to set up your networks online in an efficient way.

Comment below on what you have learned that you see what your trend in business shares.



  1. Saqib Khan

    Hi Alecia trends can really help one not only in business, but also when it comes to exposure and building relationships. Thanks for the share.

    Have a great day! 🙂
    Saqib Khan

  2. Tom Bradley

    Just be careful that you don’t let the analytical side keep you from income producing activity!

  3. Julie Beachum

    Hi Alecia,
    There are constant changes within trends in business. Especially online with the constant changes and additions to new businesses, you must always stay ahead or at least up to date with the trends and changes.

    Thanks for sharing.


  4. Tracey E Mitchell

    Hello Alicia, Mari is awesome! I always listen to her to stay on top of my Facebook strategies. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Maria Eves

    Yes business trends constantly changing its either keep up or get left behind.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Maria Eves

  6. David Sharp

    I have to admit Alecia, that I am not too concerned with trends at the moment. I have my head down and concentrating on mastering one marketing system. Then I will look around and see what’s going on.

    Great post though,

    1. Alecia

      Sometimes the trends don’t really matter on some businesses. It’s more of a factor of being aware, so when the moment comes, you can apply to your business, prospects or customers. Thanks for your comment David.

  7. Andrew Gallop

    A great video and article about how you should use trends to lead you in your business decisions.

  8. HI Alecia,
    Awesome post!

    And not to mention another mega trend now. Pinterest! I can see why pictures and visuals are getting so vital to any online marketing efforts now. They simply capture attentions! 🙂

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