The Limu Company Review

Learn all about The Limu Company in this review as an overview of the company, products and income opportunities.

The Limu Company was founded in 2003 by founder Gary J. Raser and Kevin D. Jones with a unique ingredient called Fuciodan and put it in a nutritional liquid supplement.  Fucoidan is found in the cell walls of a brown sea plant called Limu Moui and used as an immune support nutrient.

The Limu Company has 4 main products: Limu Original, Limu Shots, Limu Lean and Limu Energy.  The retail price is $50 per bottle and $130 on an auto ship case plan.  The Fucodian nutrient has several benefits that includes having more energy, a bolstered immune system, increasing the health of your gastrointestinal functions, better blood glucose levels, lower cholesterol and sleeping more restfully.  Research studies support the health benefits of the nutrients.  The product has not been evaluated by the FDA as it is simply a dietary supplement.  Stories of the results from the use of the products include relief from chronic pain from leg and back injuries.

The income opportunities include immediate, long term and wealth building strategies.  The Limu Company Opportunity is found in 17 different countries and have a plan to earn 7 different ways.

1. Retail- Purchase at whole sale and share the products at retail to earn the difference.
2. Fast Start Bonus – Pays weekly
3. Fast Start Pool – Pays monthly for every 5 representatives on auto ship
4. Level Bonuses – Pays monthly based on product sales up to 8 levels
5. Matching Bonus – Pays monthly up to 25% based on rank of those sponsored
6. Cash Bonus – Pays monthly when you hit a new rank
7. Global Bonus Pool – Pays monthly represents 5.5% of company volume and those members at 20K rank earns shares.

With any company that gives the opportunity for distributors to sell the product, you need to have simple and easy strategies that teach you how to brand YOURSELF, not the company.  With this approach, you will learn to build a real business, centered around you and your brand.  Not around the company.  The only training the company will give you is to contact your friends, family and associates.  This is no means a solid business building on just sharing the products with those you know.  Sure, if you love the products, you are going to tell people.  Representatives must learn how to market their own business, not only online, but offline as well.  Learn the lead generation strategies and marketing tools that can take any company you would like to represent and profit from those that are not interested in your company as well.

If you really want to learn how to profit becoming a Limu Representative by branding your name and generating leads daily, then see a free presentation on how the top representatives are using this network marketing system.

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3 responses to “The Limu Company Review”
  1. E'Anne Frye Avatar
    E’Anne Frye

    Thank you for this overview of The Limu Company. The founder, President and CEO of The Limu Company, Gary J. Raser, brought limu moui to market in the wonderful tasting nectar, Limu Original.

    It has over 77 nutrients besides the fucoidan. I am currently drinking it to help eliminate my ovarian cancer. I have only been back on it for two days and already I am feeling less pain and am able to walk much better.

    I am not sold on conventional medicine’s treatment of cancer. To me, it seems like they only endorse the SLASH (surgery), and BURN (radiation), and POISON (chemotherapy) methods of treatment.

    I believe that God, the creator of our bodies, also created EVERYTHING we need to keep those bodies (His temples) healthy. That is why, along with other healthy whole foods, I have included Limu, which has been consumed for over 3000 years in Tonga.

    Please read all about the product, the company and “the brilliant compensation plan” at

    If you decide to take control of your health, please order your Limu from the website above. You will be helping me to beat this ovarian cancer!

    Thank you,

  2. […] The Limu Company Review | A Success Dream September 5th, 2010

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