Looking into the 5Linx compensation plan, we will look at all the multiple streams of income and what is need to do so you can understand what is needed to generate the income you desire.
First, people want to know the start up cost of starting a residual income business. The start up cost for 5Linx is $249 one time and $49.99 a month for the Platinum services. A very low start up compared to franchise costs today. You can also start for $99, but that does not include the downline of the residual income you can make.
Second, what does it take to profit when starting? All it takes is 10 customer points to be qualified to generate income. This can be easy when some products get 2 or 3 customer points.
Then, there are always special promotions. An example is one for January 2011, any IMR (Independant Marketing Representative)or above can earn $500 for personally sponsoring, enrolling and qualifying three new IMRs! Even better yet, if you personally sponsor, enroll and qualify ve IMRs you will receive $1,000! With reduced numbers of those in your downline to reach the levels, it can be attainable faster than you expect.
Third, what do you have to do to get started and build a team? Finding a qualified coach that is very knowledgeable in the business helps in answering all your questions when starting a new residual income business. The customer support and representative support calls are very helpful on what questions you may have as well.
With all the support a coach can give you, it is still up to you to generate a business that attracts people to you, not the residual income opportunity. When people join the opportunity, it is always the person on who they join. Not the 5Linx compensation plan. Make you and your brand stand out that attracts people to join you.
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