5 Step Process To Maximize Your Linked In Profile




Yes, today we are going to simplify Linked In and how you can maximize your linked in profile for profits immediately. Take this 5 step process to move up your rankings in the search box. Find your keyword that you want to target for people to find you and leverage your ranking.

You want to edit your profile and show what you offer. Make sure in each section is keyword rich of what you want to target. After following this 5 step process. You can be ranked number 1 for the keyword you are targeting.

1. Headline – Use the keyword to describe yourself.

2. Current Work Experience – Be sure to explain with keyword rich of what you are currently doing to attract people to you.

3. Past Work Experience – Use the keywords down the page to edit if you need to.

4. Summary – Don’t worry about the specific formula right now, just make sure it has the keywords you are targeting. This can be a powerful section that will attract visitors.

5. Specialties – Keyword rich of exactly what you do.

Use these keywords in each section and find yourself number 1 after following this process. Linked in even shows little post-it notes on the side to help guide you through these sections as well.

So, simple. Took me less than a half hour to complete, and saw immediate results. Here is a pic of showing my number one position:

Linked In Profile

There are more ways to maximize your profile in Linked In by building and leveraging groups and pay per click strategies. Take a look at this training all laid out from an expert who has really studied this social network. Social Media is key, and leverage it to the maximum for your business to go to the next level.

Simply Click Here to Maximize Your Linked In Profile!

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13 responses to “5 Step Process To Maximize Your Linked In Profile”
  1. Clint Butler Avatar

    Awesome tips, especially on keyword optimizing my profile. I never thought of that, will give it a go, thanks Alecia.

  2. Alecia thanks for these great tips on how to effectively optimize Linkedin. Amazing how sometimes we just set a profile and not think about keywords or ranking. Linkedin is a great place to form business relationship if the platform is used effectively.

  3. Danny Avatar

    Fantastic tips on Linkedin Alecia!

  4. Bluesman Of MLM Avatar

    Alecia you definitely read my mind today, just wanted to get into this asap and here you go 😉


    Bluesman signin’ off

  5. Nathan Gonzalez Avatar

    Alecia, awesome tips on using Linkedin to the maximum of potential.

  6. Kathleen Avatar


    Awesome Post…I never really got into the hang of using Linkedin, I think I am going to give it a second go around using some of these tips!


  7. Neil Bednar Avatar
    Neil Bednar

    Great tips on Maximizing your Linked-In Profile, Thanks Alicia.

  8. Dean R Black Avatar
    Dean R Black

    Alecia thanks for mentioning about using keywords in your profile on LinkedIn. I never thought about that but will have to go back and modify my profile. Thanks

  9. Graham Avatar

    Hi Alecia Firstly happy 2012… Live the tips I have beeen looking at LinkedIn set up my profile like you have said however not focused on it yet. I think with LinkedIn Its a more professional approach as well maybe not as relaxed I love the groups on their …ok talk soon

  10. Lucky Sutherlin Avatar
    Lucky Sutherlin

    Thanks for the tips.

  11. AleciaStringer Avatar

    Sure you got it

  12. Sandraji Lynn Avatar
    Sandraji Lynn

    Thank you

  13. Tara Woodruff Avatar
    Tara Woodruff

    Ahh Thank you!!