4 Tips To Understand The Algorithm of Facebook




When you are posting updates on your Business Fan page or profile, it’s best to understand what gets seen and how you can make a better impact on those around you in your influence circle.

4 Tips To Understand The Algorithm of Facebook

1. There are a couple of places to check your influence and algorithm of Facebook.  Check out the different sites and see how they rate the influence you present yourself to others.

  • Edgerankchecker.com
  • Pagelever.com
  • Pagebooster.com

Some have paid services that you will need to invest depending on the size of your business fan base and other factors.  Don’t forget that google analytics can also show some insights on the traffic and kind of traffic on your page.

2. Include photos and videos on 90% of your posts.  These type of posts get a higher authority or edge-rank in the news feed where more people will see your updates.

3. Don’t post links using a 3rd party applications like hootsuite, twitter, and many other services available.  What happens in the news feed is that the share button doesn’t show  So use these applications in moderation.

Facebook is starting to allow times where you can schedule an update, but can only be used in moderation as well.  It’s used for launches or times when you have a special going on and you know you will be away.  You can’t use this function everyday as Facebook will not have it available for you.

4. Change your cover photo regularly.  This will also give you more boost in your edge rank when you update your cover photo.

Here is a list of what gets most importance in the news feed.  So you know how to use them according to your page in importance and with moderation.

**LIVE STREAM** This is a new feature that will stay higher in the news-feed as the live stream video is viewing live.

1. Milestone

2. Event, special

3. Cover photo, highlight (when you star a picture)

4. Share on a photo, or video. (yet, too many shares will diminish your personal rank authority)

5. Comment

6. Like

Looking at your overall edge rank will give you a better look at seeing who looks at your updates and how they respond.  This always helps marketers see new insights on how they can improve their copywriting skills and when to post certain updates for maximum exposure.

Learn more in maximizing your Facebook marketing by investing in a product that will show you step by step on how to gain more viral exposure in Facebook.  Click the image below to see more ways to understand the algorithm of Facebook.

Traffic Tripler
Traffic Tripler


Be sure to FOLLOW Alecia Stringer HERE to watch how she applies these strategies. Don’t forget to Share, give some emotions, and comment too!


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  1. […] follows our previous post of 4 Things to Understand in the algorithm of Facebook.  Reading this post first may help you follow how you can best optimize your Facebook […]