100 Day Biz-Builder Challenge with Alecia Stringer




Have you ever set a challenge for yourself? Make goals you want to set?
Well, Adam Chandler and Jordan Schultz set off to build a 100 Day Biz-Builder Challenge Tribe to help others build their business to the next level.
Taking this challenge will enable me to help others do the same.  Not only will I be able to build a strong business, but help others as well.  That is the main goal.
This challenge is built on a tribe format.  We joined a TribPro membership to organize each others content and to help share it in a way we can keep up.  There are points for everything you share and post content.
I’ve tried other challenges before where we share each other’s content, but it wasn’t really in an organized matter that we could keep up.  This will enable to maximize how fast our content can get out to others, help backlinks, and connect to more people through social media, social bookmarking, which helps the SEO rankings a lot faster as well.
Through this challenge, I will be able to develop myself personally, spiritually, physically.  This will help develop as a strong leader on the outside and more important on the inside as a person.  This will set high goals and dreams to spend more quality time with family since the financial goals are set beyond limits that will enable to be at the next level.
Be a part of all the cooperation and efforts by taking the same challenges and we endure together.  Connect with Alecia Stringer and see how the 100 day biz-builder challenge can change you as well!

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