Accomplishing goals is amazing feeling. Each 100 day’s you should evaluate what you have done and reflect on how you can make the next 100 day’s even better. Evaluate your life as a whole. Are you creating new levels of you physically, spiritually, personally and in your business?
I was able to accomplish many things in the 100 day Biz Builder Challenge with Jordan Schultz and Adam Chandler just like I predicted in my first video beginning the challenge.
Personally I was able to read new books that have molded me to think more to the next level. I’m always learning on how to apply new things that can help others around me.
Spiritually I was able to attend the Women’s Worthy Women conference and learned a lot more about myself and how to apply new concepts in my life and to others around me.
Physically I was able to keep a regular routine of going to the gym and exercising with my daughter new things.
In Business, I was able to meet wonderful new leaders through TribePro, and hit new records in TribePro and Facebook PPC. I apply what I learn to new levels. Follow me and learn how I strive to take things to the next level. It’s all about learning how to be yourself, build attraction marketing while generating massive exposure. There were many tips and strategies that we needed to apply in order to do things at a higher level.
The next 100 days will continue to take me to new levels in offering new products for my subscribers that will truly guide them in a simple way of how to continue striving for new levels in their life. Come personally join me in the 100 Day Biz Builder Challenge and contact me personally on how you can be involved in changing your life to new levels.
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